Mar 30, 2009

My First Quarter Marathon…

Quarter Marathon, something that is a total stranger to me until I saw the BHPetrol Orange Run 2009 link posted up by a friend in his Facebook page.

Orange Run which is an annual event on the BHPetrol calendar will be held for the fourth time this year. The Run which is scheduled on 12 April 2009 (Sunday)

I’ve never heard of a quarter marathon though, only half marathon or a full marathon. Never knew it even exist...hahaha...I’ve had a thought last year that I might want to take part in a walk, or maybe a half marathon but I was too unfit to do so. I started going to the gym middle of last year so I thought since there’s an 11km run, maybe I could give it a trial run at the treadmill and see if I’m capable of doing so.

Off I go to the gym, started off with the speed at 5.5km/h (3% gradient), took on a 10 minutes each of jog and walk interval on my first hour. With jogging at 7km/h and walking at the speed ranges from 4.5 - 5.5km/h.

I reached the 7km mark not long after my first hour and continued with only walking speed as I was already running out of breath. Increased the gradient to 6% while I was walking and catching up my breath. Then I finished off the last 2km with 8km/h at 0% gradient. Completing the whole 11km run with the time of 1hr 57minutes. Approximately 4 times slower than the world marathon record. HAHA...During my second hour walk I could feel a little pain on my left ankle but surprisingly my left knee which has been aching once in a while had no problem through the whole 11km.

The result wasn’t at all great but I’m happy that at least I could complete the whole 11km walk/run. I was totally drained after the session. I guess I could plan for a next session and see if I can improve. I’m still thinking if I should join the Orang Run 2009 but I’m contemplating since it’ll be held in just 2 weeks time.

Mar 27, 2009

Nice Number Plate there...

Saw this Subaru Impreza WRX STI Version 8 the other day when I was on my way to work. Could be even better if the owner was willing to wait longer for a WRX 571 plate.

Earth Hour – Gimmick?

The Earth Hour event was quite a big hit lately. I wasn’t really following the news so I wasn’t exactly aware of such event until my dearest told me about it couple of weeks back. While browsing through The Star Online the other day I saw this so-called opinion posted up by this dude named Marcus from Petaling Jaya.

I’m not hardcore pro Earth Hour but I think it’s quite a good idea to educate the people about global warming. It is rather sad that he thinks that this event is just a publicity stunt. I personally find that the way he voice out his opinion is just so childish and immature. He doesn’t exactly see the purpose of such event. It is to create awareness! It’s a part of the effort to pass the message to every person in the world to be aware of the effect of global warming. Every bodies/organization could do their part to save the world! (Fuh…I feel like I’m one of those super heroes now…haha)

Anyway, I guess he can have all his opinion to himself. I hope he isn’t one of those guys who would just know how to “tell” their opinion in the newspaper trying to be glamour and not do anything about it. PEACE YO!!!

Mar 21, 2009

Mentally Handicapped Driver…

I can never refrain myself from not being curious every time I see a car parked at the handicapped parking lot. I would usually take a close look to see if there’s any sign that it’s being driven by a handicapped driver. The handicapped lot in the car park that I frequent is always occupied, and I’ve only seen once that it is being utilized by the “right” person. Most of the time it’d be occupied by those mentally handicapped assholes who thinks that their RMX parking fee has so much higher value compare to anyone of us and they deserves to have the closest parking lot to the lift. Such ignorant and unethical behavior. I'm happy that there are still people who share the same thoughts as me though. GO TO HELL SCUMBAGS!!! What a disgrace to humankind.

Mar 18, 2009

Tunabread.blogspot featured in Action City’s Facebook Page…

It’s the middle of the month and I’ve only made 1 blog post. Been really busy with my 1 month old PSP (it’s a used one but I’ve only gotten it like a month ago :P ). Of cause I’m also working hard when I should be working. Hehe.

Anyway, I’m happy that I’m gaining more readers in my blog. Thank you! Although it isn’t great, but at least it’s still better than no reader at all. Did a Google search and noticed that Action City has linked my Mr. Breadou blog post to it’s Facebook page. I’m flattered. Thank you too.

Looks like I need to get a better camera. Mr. Breadou looks so pale. Haha.

Mar 11, 2009

Facebook Games...

A friend posted a note on Facebook and I thought it'd be interesting if I make one myself. And yes, I'm not gonna post this on my Facebook and tag the whole world just to satisfy the dude who started it...HAHA...anyway, read below...

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 20 people.

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: P***** (sorry, I'm a mystery blogger *shy*...:P)

2. A four Letter Word: Pick

3. A boy's Name: Paul

4. A girl's Name: Pauline

5. An occupation: Plumber

6. A color: Pink

7. Something you'll wear: Pants! *duh*

8. A food: My favourite Pan Mee!

9. Something found in the bathroom: Pantene

10. A place: Poland

11. A reason for being late: pissed in my pants? hahaha

12. Something you'd shout: PANTAT!

13. A movie title: Pink Panther

14. Something you drink: Pineapple juice

15. A musical group: Pussy Cat Dolls

16. An animal: Penguin

17. A street name: Petaling Street

18. A type of car: Proton Perdana (just to make sure I have both Car make and model name starting with P)

19. The title of a song: Peaceful Easy Feeling by The Eagles! or maybe Please Mr. Postman by The Carpenters (one of my dearest's yam kor...*muaks*)