Dec 15, 2008

Sincere Apologies…

Initially I did not think about blogging this out but to use the usual way of writing an email. But I decided to try something new since the intended receiver of my apologies is also my reader. This will also serves as a reminder for me to not repeat my mistake again.

I would like to apologize to my beloved “other half” for my immaturity last Saturday. I have not thought of the difficulties and how struggling you are over the passed few months with your work and made a stupid comment that hurts your feeling. I am so sorry and I promise that it will never happen again. Regardless of whatever reason that causes me to make such “complain”, it is unacceptable. I will make sure that I am always the person who you would be able to rely on in whatever situation it may be.

Although you may have forgiven me for such immature act, and however brief this message is, I want to say this again. “My dearest, I’m sorry”.


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